Being a football mum

Being a football mum...Our handy guide
As our children grow, the inevitable happens to most mums.....Especially if, can i even say this they happen to be the mums of little boys. The time when ball pit, play barn and the pure company of Mummy just isn't enough. The little tinkers need action, full on action and excitement. They need mud, cut knees and running around a wet cold pitch in January kicking a ball around....
Yes, the time has come for your little darling to become a footballer!
Whilst this might quite possibly be the most exciting thing little Jimmy has ever done... You, however, might not like the idea as much. Gone are Saturday morning lay-ins and breakfast with the family... but is that it really fair to hold your child back from something they love? Football really matters to kids. It especially matters to little boys. It's popular and cool to be good at football and even if they're not great playing each week will make them get better. Either way its better than 4 hours stuck in front of the Xbox playing Fortnite.
The kids understand discipline, teamwork, they learn how to lose and they get some exercise in - What’s not to love?
Here are some valuable tips that others starting out as football mums may be interested in.
Football matters..Period. The sooner you realise that its not just a game, the easier life will become
This Saturday morning event requires serious commitment. Every Saturday morning from September until Easter and usually some summer tournaments. Do you want to be the family that only turns up half of the time?
Actually watch your kids and support them – they will really appreciate it. If you spent the match checking out Instagram on your phone and missed that amazing sliding tackle they will remember it.
If you have to pay subs, don’t forget to pay subs! Its not fair on everyone else.
Never ever bad mouth any of the following - The child’s team-mates or their parents, the opposition players (or parents) or heaven forbid the ref.
If the other team's coach or any of the other parents shout nasties then leave! It's time to find another team. Nobody needs to put up with hearing that about a kid playing football and there are plenty of teams that will not tolerate it.
Stand behind the respect barrier - Its there for a reason and your club could get in trouble if you ignore it.
Let the manager know if your child isn’t going to be there for the weekend – it can be really annoying to be short of players with no prior knowledge.
Let's face it...Some kids have to be the substitutes. The manager will usually give them half a game or at least a worthwhile appearance. Begging or shouting for more won’t go down well.
Help tidy away after the match. The poor old manager has to dismantle both goals, collect in the cones and the corner flags and tidy everything away. They are not paid, they got there earlier than you and the team wouldn't exist without them so helpHe’s not paid, he was there way earlier than you and he’s got a family to go home to too!
Deal with the mud. Your kid will get what! Shove it all into the machine – it will clean up fine. You can even wash GK gloves and sometimes boots.
Your kids will get mad if they lose.... So will the coach. If he happens to be your husband then you're in for a right day..bite your lip and let time do its thing.
We hope you enjoyed reading about being a football mum and if you are looking for a super gift for your footie mad kids then check out our online store where the most amazig personalised footballs can be ordered!
- Mike SMITH
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